
How Long Should I Wait After an Interview To Follow Up?

How Long Should I Wait After an Interview To Follow Up?

You’ve just had a job interview, and you’re excited about the potential opportunity. The interview went well, and you feel confident that you made a good impression.

But now comes the waiting game. How long should you wait before following up with the employer? In this article, we’ll cover into this common question and explore the factors you should consider when determining the appropriate timeframe for following up after an interview.

The Importance of Following Up

Before we discuss how long to wait, let’s first understand why following up after an interview is crucial. When you follow up, you demonstrate your interest in the position, showcase your professionalism, and keep yourself top of mind for the employer.

It also allows you to express gratitude for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your qualifications. Following up can leave a lasting impression and set you apart from other candidates.

Consider the Hiring Timeline

One of the main factors in determining when to follow up is the hiring timeline communicated during the interview process.

Some companies may provide a specific timeframe for their hiring process, such as a week or two. In such cases, it’s best to wait until after the indicated time has passed before following up.

This shows that you respect their process and understand their timeline.

Gauge the Employer’s Enthusiasm

During the interview, pay attention to the employer’s level of enthusiasm. Did they seem particularly interested in your qualifications or mention a desire to move quickly in the hiring process?

If so, you may want to follow up sooner rather than later. If the employer seemed less enthusiastic or mentioned a lengthy hiring process, it might be best to wait a bit longer before reaching out. Use your judgment and trust your instincts.

Follow up Within One Week

As a general guideline, it is recommended to follow up within one week after your interview. This timeframe allows the employer to process the interviews, gather feedback, and make decisions.

By reaching out within a week, you show your continued interest without seeming impatient. Remember, hiring processes can be lengthy, so being patient is crucial.

Crafting Your Follow-up Email

When you’re ready to follow up, take the time to craft a thoughtful and concise email. Start by expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your interest in the position.

Briefly highlight your qualifications and how you believe you would be an asset to the company. Keep the tone professional and avoid sounding desperate.

Finally, thank them for their time and consideration, and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them.

Following up Too Soon

While it’s important to follow up, it’s equally important not to follow up too soon. Bombarding the employer with follow-up emails or calls immediately after the interview can come across as desperate and may harm your chances of landing the job.

Give the employer enough time to evaluate all candidates and make their decisions. Avoid sending a follow-up email the same day or even within the first 24 hours. Patience is key.

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Following up Too Late

While immediate follow-up is not advisable, waiting too long can also be detrimental. Remember, other candidates may be actively following up, and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity.

Waiting for more than two weeks before following up can signal a lack of interest or commitment. Strike a balance and find the sweet spot between being pushy and being forgotten.

How to Follow up

When it comes to following up, email is generally the most appropriate and effective method of communication. It provides a written record and allows the employer to respond at their convenience.

It’s important to use the same email thread from your initial contact, as it helps the employer to recall the previous conversation. If you didn’t receive an email address during the interview, you can reach out to the HR contact or the person who scheduled your initial interview.

Be Patient

After you’ve followed up, it’s time to be patient again. Avoid the temptation to follow up repeatedly or seek constant updates.

Most hiring processes take time, and there can be various factors at play behind the scenes. Remember, you want to leave a positive impression, and being overly persistent can have the opposite effect.

Trust that the employer will get back to you when they have made a decision.

Setting Expectations

Before you conclude your follow-up email, it can be helpful to ask about the next steps in the hiring process. This shows your continued interest and allows you to have a clearer understanding of the timeline moving forward.

You can ask politely if there will be additional interviews, when they anticipate making a decision, or any other relevant questions. This demonstrates your commitment and sets expectations for both parties


Following up after an interview is an important step in the job search process. It allows you to showcase your professionalism, demonstrate your interest in the position, and leave a lasting impression on the employer.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long you should wait, considering factors such as the hiring timeline and the employer’s level of enthusiasm can help you determine the appropriate timeframe.

So take a deep breath, make a plan, and remember that good things come to those who wait (and follow up strategically!).


When is the best time to follow up after an interview?

It’s generally recommended to wait about 1-2 weeks after your interview before following up. This gives the hiring manager enough time to make a decision without seeming too impatient.

What is the best way to follow up after an interview?

The best way to follow up is through a polite and professional email. Express your continued interest in the position and inquire about the status of your application.

How should I phrase my follow-up email?

Your follow-up email should be concise and polite. Start by thanking the interviewer for the opportunity, express your continued interest in the position, and inquire about the status of your application.

Is it okay to follow up more than once?

It’s generally not recommended to follow up more than once unless you have a valid reason to do so. Multiple follow-up emails can come across as too pushy or desperate.

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