
Things to Do Before, During  and After An Interview

Things to Do Before, During  and After An Interview

Are you feeling nervous about your upcoming interview? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Interviews can often be stressful, but with a little preparation and the right mindset, you can ace them with ease.

In this article, we will discuss the essential things you should do before, during and after an interview to increase your chances of success. So, let’s dive right in!

Thing To Do Before the Interview

Research the Company

Before attending an interview, it is crucial to research the company you are applying to. This will not only impress the interviewer, but it will also give you important insights into the company’s values, culture, and goals.

Here are some steps you can take to thoroughly research the company:

Visit the company’s website: Explore their mission statement, values, team, and any recent news or updates. This will give you a good starting point.

Check out their social media presence: Follow their social media accounts to stay updated with their latest happenings and to get a sense of their brand voice.

Look for press releases or articles about the company: This will give you an understanding of their recent achievements or challenges they may be facing.

Reach out to current or former employees: If you have connections in the company, it’s a great opportunity to gain some insider information about their work environment.

Prepare for Common Questions

Interviewers often ask common questions to assess your skills, experience, and suitability for the role.

Preparing answers to these questions will boost your confidence and help you present yourself in the best possible light. Here are a few common interview questions to consider:

Question 1: Tell me about yourself.

Question 2: Why are you interested in this position?

Question 3: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Question 4: Can you provide an example of a challenging situation you faced at work and how you handled it?

Question 5: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Think about how you can tailor your answers to highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Practice answering these questions out loud or with a friend to refine your responses and improve your delivery.

Dress Professionally

First impressions matter, and dressing professionally for an interview will help you establish a positive image in the interviewer’s mind.

Here are some tips for choosing the appropriate attire:

Research the company’s dress code: If you’re unsure about the company’s dress code, it’s better to overdress than underdress. Opt for business professional attire unless you’re certain the company has a more casual dress code.

Choose neat, well-fitting clothes: Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed, and fit you well. Avoid flashy accessories or excessive perfume or cologne.

Pay attention to grooming: Maintain a clean and polished appearance. Style your hair neatly, ensure your nails are trimmed, and wear minimal makeup or facial hair.

Remember, dressing professionally shows respect for the interview process and demonstrates your seriousness about the opportunity.

Thing To Do Before the Interview

Thing To Do During the Interview

Show Confidence

During the interview, it’s essential to show confidence in your abilities and present yourself as someone who can handle the challenges of the job. Here are a few tips to display confidence during the interview and avoid interview anxiety:

Maintain good body language: Sit up straight, make eye contact, and use hand gestures sparingly. This will convey that you are engaged and interested.

Speak clearly and concisely: Take your time to gather your thoughts before answering questions. Speak clearly and avoid rushed or rambling answers.

Showcase your accomplishments: Share specific examples of your achievements or projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise. This will help build credibility.

Remember, confidence is about being comfortable with who you are and what you bring to the table. Embrace your strengths and believe in your abilities.

Thing To Do After the Interview

Thing To Do After the Interview

Send a Thank-You Note

Sending a thank-you note after the interview is a small gesture that can make a big impact. It shows appreciation for the interviewer’s time and reinforces your interest in the position.

Here are a few tips for sending a thoughtful thank-you note:

Send it promptly: Ideally, send the thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview. This will leave a positive impression while you’re still fresh in the interviewer’s mind.

Be specific: Reference something specific that was discussed during the interview to personalize your message. This will demonstrate your attentiveness and genuine interest.

Keep it concise: Keep the note short and to the point. Express your gratitude, reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity, and offer to provide any additional information if needed.

A well-crafted, sincere thank-you note can leave a lasting impression and set you apart from other candidates.

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Follow Up

Follow-up communication is crucial to stay on the interviewer’s radar and demonstrate your continued interest in the position. Here are a few follow-up actions you can take:

Reach out for updates: If you haven’t heard back within the timeframe mentioned during the interview, it’s appropriate to send a polite follow-up email inquiring about the status of your application.

Maintain professionalism on social media: Remember that the interviewer may check your social media profiles. Ensure that your online presence reflects the image you presented during the interview.

Continue your job search: While it’s important to follow up on specific opportunities, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Continue exploring other job prospects to keep your options open.

By following up appropriately, you demonstrate your proactive nature and genuine interest in the role.

Thing To Do After the Interview


Preparing for an interview involves more than just showing up on time. By researching the company, preparing for common questions, dressing professionally, showing confidence during the interview, and following up afterward, you can significantly enhance your chances of success.

Remember, interviews are opportunities for both the interviewer and the interviewee to get to know each other.

So, approach them with a positive mindset and increase the chance to showcase your skills and experiences. Good luck!

How can I research the company effectively before an interview?

Answer: Start by exploring the company’s website, reviewing recent news and press releases, and examining their social media presence. Pay attention to their mission, values, and any recent achievements.

What should I include in my interview preparation checklist?

Your checklist should include a thorough review of the job description, practicing responses to common interview questions, preparing questions to ask the interviewer, organizing necessary documents (resume, portfolio), and planning your attire and define personal description

What body language cues should I focus on during the interview?

Maintain good posture, make eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and use gestures to emphasize key points. These non-verbal cues convey confidence and professionalism.

How do I handle a question I didn’t anticipate?

Stay calm and take a moment to gather your thoughts. Respond thoughtfully, drawing on relevant experiences or skills. It’s okay to ask for clarification if needed.

Is sending a thank-you email really necessary, and what should it include?

Yes, it’s crucial. Express gratitude for the opportunity, reiterate your interest, and briefly mention a key point from the interview. Keep it concise and professional.

How soon should I follow up after the interview?

Send a thank-you email within 24 hours. If you haven’t received a response within the specified timeframe for the next steps, a polite follow-up can be sent after a week.

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